ReefNet: Dive Data Logging System
ReefNet: Dive Data Logging System
Diving + Life Support

ReefNet: Dive Data Logging System

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Unique Group offers the Sensus Ultra, which is ReefNet’s third-generation dive data logging device. Building on the strengths of its predecessors, it remains the simplest, most convenient tool for collecting detailed dive log data. Simply clip Sensus Ultra to your dive equipment and it will automatically record depth and temperature profiles for all your dives.


Ready to use right out of the box.

Flash memory and processor capable of storing 1500 hours of dive data with a 10 second sampling interval.

Free Sensus Manager Software makes reviewing your dive profiles simple and convenient.

Automatic activation at a depth of 0.9144 metres.


Case Material: Glass fibre-reinforced polycarbonate

Working Limits: Depth, 152.4 metres. Temperature, -20 °C to +40 °C

Lifetime: Up to 10 years, permanent lithium cell

Height: 25.4 mm, Width: 33.02 mm, Length: 44.45 mm


Storing 1500 hours of dive data with a 10 second sampling interval.

Recording depth and temperature profiles for dives.

Recreational Divers – basic dive logging, dive computer backup, and emergency medical treatment.

Commercial Divers – dive logging for OSHA requirements, personal use, and liability determination (in the event of accident).

Dive Instructors – monitoring of students, review of student profiles for ascent rate analysis, liability determination (in the event of accident).

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