Drifting Buoys


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State-of-the-art Drifting Buoys for Oceanographic and Environmental Monitoring from Unique Group

Unique Group offers a range of high-quality drifting buoys to meet the diverse needs of oceanographers and researchers. Drifting buoys are an essential tool for oceanographers and meteorologists to collect data on ocean currents, temperature, and salinity. These buoys are designed to drift freely with the ocean currents while transmitting real-time data back to shore. The Unique Group offers a wide range of drifting buoys for oceanographic and environmental monitoring, including MetOcean CODE/DAVIS: Drifter Buoy, MetOcean iSPHERE: Buoy, MetOcean STOKES: Drifter Buoy, and MetOcean SVP Iridium®: Drifter.

The MetOcean CODE/DAVIS: Drifter Buoy is a robust and reliable drifting buoy that provides real-time data on ocean currents, water temperature, and salinity. It is equipped with a GPS sensor and a satellite communication system, making it easy to track and recover. The buoy is designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and is ideal for long-term ocean monitoring. On the other hand, the MetOcean iSPHERE: Buoy is a spherical drifting buoy perfect for short-term deployments. It is lightweight and compact, making it easy to deploy and recover. The buoy is equipped with a GPS sensor and a satellite communication system, enabling real-time data transmission. It is an ideal tool for studying ocean currents, temperature, and salinity.

Our drifting buoys are the best in the industry for a reason. Some of them are listed as follows:

  • Robust and versatile: They are designed for long-term ocean monitoring. Equipped with a suite of sensors, they provide real-time data on ocean currents, water temperature, and salinity. The buoys are also equipped with a GPS sensor and a satellite communication system, making them easy to track and recover.
  • Safe and cost-effective: All the drifting buoys are safe for operating in deep-sea environments and come within a reasonable price point.
  • Customised: You can get customised solutions for your oceanographic and environmental survey operations. 

We have a team of professionals to help you with your survey task. Need more info? Get in touch with our team of professionals now.