Kongsberg TTC 30 and 10: Transponder Test and Configuration Unit
Kongsberg TTC 30 and 10: Transponder Test and Configuration Unit
Survey Equipment

Kongsberg TTC 30 and 10: Transponder Test and Configuration Unit


The TTC unit is for on deck acoustic testing and configuration of the cNODE® transponders. The TTC can test all KM transponder channels including the latest Cymbal acoustic protocols.


Touch screen/ trackball operated transponder tester set.

Comes in a splash-proof portable case with a carrying handle and shoulder strap.

It has an internal rechargeable battery.

Can test telemetry transponders with internal and external sensors.


Weight: 19 kg

Degree of protection: IP 54 Case

Dimensions: 386 x 488 x 185 mm

Input voltage: 100 to 240 Vac (47 to 63 Hz)

Operation temperature: – 5 to 55 °C


Deck acoustic testing and configuration of transponders

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