Kongsberg cNODE® MiniS: Transponder
Kongsberg cNODE® MiniS: Transponder
Survey Equipment

Kongsberg cNODE® MiniS: Transponder

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cNODE® MiniS Transponder has an impressive range of features, including 560+ Cymbal digital acoustic channels and FSK B channels. The cNODE MiniS transponders are easy to utilise together with HiPAP, cPAP and μPAP systems in underwater positioning and are ideal for positioning of ROVs.


500+ Cymbal Wideband channels

Full telemetry

SSBL and LBL ranging

Responder mode

Rechargeable battery Li-Ion


Frequency: 20-30 kHz (MF)

Signal type: Cymbal wideband and FSK

Responder and beacon mode: Yes

Range accuracy: Better than 0.02m

Depth rating: 4000 m (Alu) / 7000 m (Ti)


Ideal for positioning a WROV or Tow fish in SSBL mode

Used as part of LBL array

Used for navigation and positioning

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