Idronaut 316 : Multi-Parameter Sonde
Idronaut 316 : Multi-Parameter Sonde
Survey Equipment

Idronaut 316 : Multi-Parameter Sonde


The OCEAN SEVEN 316S CTD multi-parameter probe is equipped with the IDRONAUT full ocean depth long-term stability sensors, central to which, is the high accuracy seven platinum ring quartz conductivity cell. The OS316S does not require a pump or any other external device to flush the sensors, which minimizes its power consumption and allows the use in the Arctic and Antarctica. For added flexibility, the OS316S can be easily interfaced/integrated onbuoys, ROVs and AUVs, thus making this probe an ideal choice for both on-line profiling and self-recording moored applications.



Parameter Range Initial Accuracy Resolution Response Time
Pressure 0..7000 dbar (3) 0.05% FS 0.002% FS 50 ms
Temperature -5..+50 °C 0.0015 °C 0.0001 °C 50 ms
Conductivity Salt water 0..90 mS/cm 0.0015 mS/cm 0.0001 mS/cm 50 ms
Oxygen Optical 0..45 mg/l 0.1 mg/l 0.025 mg/l 3 s
0..250 %sat. ±0.2 %sat. 0.05 %sat. 3 s
pH 1..13 pH 0.01 pH 0.0001 pH 3 s
Turbidity 0..>2500 FTU 0.1 FTU 0.025 FTU 3 s



Oceanographic application

Surveying of water bodies

Educational studies

Product Enquiry

Case Studies