Valeport SWiFT+ Sound Velocity Profiler with Turbidity Sensor
Valeport SWiFT+ Sound Velocity Profiler with Turbidity Sensor
Survey Equipment

Valeport SWiFT+ Sound Velocity Profiler with Turbidity Sensor

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Unique Group offers Valeport’s SWiFT SVP +, which has been designed with the intention of a seamless workflow. This new compact unit features high accuracy SV, pressure, temperature and Turbidity plus integral GPS, rechargeable battery, LED status indications for GPS, battery and communications.


Valeport’s SWiFT SVPplus Multi-Parameter Profiler with a Turbidity sensor combines survey-grade sound speed, temperature and pressure sensor technology with Turbidity observations. The package is completed with the convenience of Bluetooth® connectivity, rechargeable battery and an integral GNSS module to geo-locate each profile.




Valeport’s Turbidity technology is essentially two sensors in one. The first is a “classic” nephelometer, using a 90˚ beam angle for turbidity levels between 0 and 2,000 NTU. The second sensor uses Optical Backscatter (OBS) for turbidity levels up to 10,000 NTU. The sensors output data separately and simultaneously at a programmable rate. This means that there is no need to switch ranges as conditions vary. Intelligent sampling and the use of a 24 bit ADC eliminates the need to switch gain.

Sound velocity range: 1,375-1,900 m/s

Pressure range: 50 Bar

Temperature range: -5°C to +35°C

Calculated parameters and accuracies: Conductivity ±0.05 mS/cm, Salinity ±0.05 PSU, Density ±0.05 kg/m³

Communications: USB Serial Bluetooth v4 – low energy


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