Norbit Winghead i79: Bathymetric System
Norbit Winghead i79: Bathymetric System
Survey Equipment

Norbit Winghead i79: Bathymetric System


Unique Group offers Norbit Winghead i79 which is a class leading ultra-high resolution curved array bathymetric system, designed for rapid “anywhere anytime” mobilisation featuring the highest standard industry leading integrated Applanix Oceanmaster GNSS/INS positioning system. It is based on a state-of-the-art analogue and digital platform featuring powerful signal processing capabilities.


Multibeam sonar with integrated inertial navigation system & Integrated NTRIP client

It offers roll stabilised bathymetry and several imagery and backscatter outputs ensuring the highest quality survey data performance.

Multi detect and pipeline mode

Optimised for hull mount and corrosion resistance

Integrated Sound Velocity Probe and 1024 dynamically focused beams


Swath coverage: 5-210° Flexible Sector (Shallow Water IHO Special Order >155°).

Range resolution: <10 mm acoustic w. 80 kHz bandwidth.

Number of beams: 256, 512, 1024 Equiangular or Equidistant.

Operating frequency: Nominal frequency 400 kHz (frequency agility 200-700 kHz).

Ping rate: Up to 60 Hz, adaptive.


Shallow water bathymetry and hull mount

Pipeline & cable inspection surveys

Quay wall, bridge and structure inspection surveys

Pond, river ,estuary , harbour and lake surveys

USV & UUV and coastal surveys

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