Geomatrix TVG: G-882 Frame
Geomatrix TVG: G-882 Frame
Survey Equipment

Geomatrix TVG: G-882 Frame


Unique Group offers Geomatrix G-882 horizontal Transverse Gradiometer (TVG) frame, which is a stable marine magnetometer frame for acquiring transverse gradient data as part of unexploded ordnance mitigation or pipe line tracing. This TVG Frame includes the Aluminium “A” frame to which an armoured cable can be directly attached without the need for a non-magnetic tow leader.


Designed to support the standard G-882, with or without altimeter.

It provides a stable tow platform with G-882 magnetometers on a fixed 1.5 m baseline for optimum detection of a wide range of targets.

The long A-frame arms permit wire line clevis to be connected directly to the frame removing the need for a soft umbilical cable.

The tow point offers attachments for the Geometrics telemetry system, or positioning beacons, increasing the operators confidence in determining the layback and position of the TVG frame.



Shipping dimensions: 1.83 m × 0.51 m ×0.16 m and 40 kg total weight.

Maximum tow cable length: 300 metres soft tow cable, and 30V power supply.

Clevis to sensor distance: ≈3.3 m

Layback Ratio: 10:1

Inline drag on the TVG frame: 4 knots = 40kg, 8 knots = 70 kg.


Used for unexploded ordnance mitigation.

Ideal for pipe line tracing.

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