NETmc Marine DVCiP: HD Video System
NETmc Marine DVCiP: HD Video System
Survey Equipment

NETmc Marine DVCiP: HD Video System


A derivative of NETmc Marine’s DVCi HD video over Ethernet camera; the DVCiP is a fully integrated multi camera pipeline inspection and recording system that transmits up to four video images up a single 10/100 Ethernet link in an ROV umbilical.


It can be viewed from any standard web brow

At the surface the cameras are connected to a topside unit that performs file management and generates three separate but associated video files.

The topside also takes in serial data for video overlay purposes.


It utilises a single Ethernet or twisted pair to transmit time synchronised images from up to four HD 720P cameras to a NETmc Marine DVR, controlled by 3rd party survey software.


Suitable for ROV inspections

Ideal for subsea pipeline surveys

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